wrist tunnel syndrome If you can’t help but use your wrist, Hyojae Oriental Medicine Clinic in Geoyeodo Acupuncture

wrist tunnel syndrome If you can’t help but use your wrist, Hyojae Oriental Medicine Clinic in Geoyeodo Acupuncture

Office workers who have had to handle keyboards and mice for a long time, housewives who often use their hands for housework and childcare, and cooks who use heavy cooking utensils use their hands like this, so many patients around them complain of wrist numbness.Today, we will find the cause and solution of a disease called carpal tunnel syndrome, which causes numbness in the fingers caused by the wrist, with Hyojae Oriental Medicine Clinic in Geoyeo-dong, Geoyeo Station.

transverse and median ligaments

A total of eight bones form a composite joint in the wrist joint, and it is shaped like an arch-shaped tunnel across which ligaments connect these wrist bones horizontally.This tube structure is called Carpal tunnel, and the muscles and muscles involved in finger movement pass inside the tunnel to control finger movement.Inside the tunnel, in addition to nine muscles, there is a tissue called the median nerve that carries the sensation of the hand.The median nerve, a classification of the brachial plexus, exerts force on the base of the thumb and index finger as well as sensory transmission to the hand between the tendon sheath and lateral carpal ligament of the bent muscle.

What is carpal tunnel syndrome?

In other words, carpal tunnel syndrome, called median nerve capture syndrome, is a series of nerve capture syndrome in which the carpal duct that protects the structure that moves fingers narrows the small passage in front of the wrist for various reasons.When symptoms first occur, the thumb and parts of two, three, or four fingers become numb, and the pain may be relieved by tapping or moving the wrist.If left unattended for a long time, symptoms appear even if you drive or carry documents, and you feel weak when you turn the bottle cap.

cause of carpal tunnel syndrome

There are two main causes of carpal tunnel syndrome: thickening of ligaments covering carpal ducts or decreasing carpal tunnel space, increasing tissue pressure in carpal ducts.Due to frequent domestic and occupational use of the wrist, old stimuli can thicken ligaments, and if you have endocrine systems or metabolic diseases such as tumors, pregnancies, obesity, diabetes, and thyroid abnormalities, the composition and structure of ligaments can change.It is more common in women (40-50 years old), obese, and diabetic patients after middle age, and diseases can occur when blisters form in the carpal duct and the carpal duct narrows and presses nerves. Physical Examination – Phalen’s Test

There is a Palen test as a self-diagnosis method for this disease, which can be easily confirmed by shortening the test time to less than 1 minute.★ Phalentest.Put the insteps of both hands together and bend your wrists 90 degrees, then stay there for about 60 seconds.If your finger feels numb or painful after one minute, you can confirm it as positive.

Treatment of carpal tunnel syndrome at Hyojae Oriental Medicine Clinic

The focus of treatment is to reduce pressure on the direct cause of nerve compression and help nerve regeneration.If wrist symptoms are left unattended, the median nerve can continue to be compressed and chronic, leaving permanent damage, so acupuncture and medication can improve the symptoms. Acupuncture

We voluntarily visit holes in the carpal tunnel, such as Daereung of the penumbral stem, to relax wrist muscles and relieve pressure by lowering pressure.If your palms are severely numb, acupuncture points on your hands and forearms, such as arm thread, inner tube, and appearance, or on your feet will be applied to solve the numbness. acupuncture treatmentAcupuncture is an oriental medicine treatment that extracts effective ingredients from fast-acting drugs and injects them into the meridian and blood vessels using syringes. It is a unique method of oriental medicine that shows the efficacy of acupuncture. acupuncture and moxibustion therapyWhen the pressure is strong and numb, you can receive acupuncture treatment to widen the gap in a narrow space by directly treating ligaments that compress nerves laterally with non-surgical treatment.Side effects may occur when receiving acupuncture treatment, so you can proceed with the treatment after hearing enough explanations about side effects and effects. Chinese medicine treatmentCarpal tunnel syndrome is a disease that causes sensory abnormalities and numbness, and it fundamentally prevents the deterioration of carpal tunnel syndrome by checking the symptoms that appear together and validating them in nose, nose, etc.Hyojae Oriental Medicine Clinic in Geoyeo-dong, Geoyeo StationHyojae Oriental Medicine Clinic is located on the second floor, a minute’s walk from Exit 5 of Songpa Geoyeo Station.As an oriental medicine specialist, he has served as an outpatient professor at Dongguk University and treats diseases through the theory of carpal tunnel syndrome, stage, senbei, acupuncture, and demonstration of medicinal acupuncture.If you are uncomfortable with carpal tunnel syndrome, you can visit Hyojae Oriental Medicine Clinic to receive accurate treatment according to your prognosis with detailed explanations of carpal tunnel syndrome and a specialist.The article you are looking at this time contains the purpose of medical advertisements, was produced based on information from Hyojae Oriental Medicine Clinic, and was produced in accordance with Article 56(1) of the Medical Advertising Act.The effect may vary from person to person after the procedure, and it may be accompanied by large and small side effects, so please consult with the medical staff in advance before proceeding with the treatment.#Gyeo Station Oriental Medicine Clinic #Gyeo Station Wrist Pain #Gyeo Station Wrist Tunnel Syndrome감지된 언어가 없습니다.

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